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Our writing exercise this month was derived by adapting and combining two of the exercises on another writing website: Writing Exercises. This site is well worth a bit of exploration if you need a speck of inspiration.

Write a dialogue between two characters showing the differences in personality and behaviour between them using ONLY DIALOGUE. (No he said / she said and no narrative today).

Here’s the first line. It comes from the random first line generator at Writing Exercises.

“Oh yeah, you really told him, didn’t you?” 

Here are some possible characters for the second guy/girl (adapted from Writing Exercises character generator to have a more speculative bent).

  1. An overbearing 36 year-old vampire, who comes from a wealthy background, lives in an eco-friendly home and tends to cry a lot.
  2. An adventurous 46 year-old troll, who comes from a poor background, lives under a city bridge and tends to be a little gullible.
  3. An arrogant 60 year-old space miner, who comes from a poor background, lives in the attic of an architecturally-designed home and tends to eat too much.
  4. A bold 21 year-old witch, who comes from a wealthy background, lives in the burnt-out hull of a crashed spaceship and tends to be messy.
  5. Make your own or adapt one of the above.